Friday, December 17, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Robbie Dupree - Robbie Dupree

 Robbie Dupree - Robbie Dupree

1980 Housekeeping

Robbie Dupree

Robbie Dupree

Genre: Smooth Rock

3.25 out of 5


Steal Away

Hot Rod Hearts

When I was in 6th grade there was a girl on whom I developed a crush. This lasted for 2 years despite the fact that she once told me to drop dead for just being in her way. 

Her name was Liz. She had this way of darting her eyes toward the sky when telling you off. 

I was mesmerized. 

And I used to listen to Kenny Nolan’s “I Like Dreamin’” because it perfectly captured my emotional state. 

That crush lingered. All the way through High School. 

Oh, sure, I had other romances and unrequited moments and requited ones. But, no matter what happened with all of those, if Liz passed me in the hallway my heart would skip a beat. And we actually did talk to each other, if peripherally. She once generously copied an entire semester’s notes for me for a class that I barely passed.

I never spoke to her after high school, although she friended me on Facebook a couple years back and, when I see her now, there’s…nothing. That adolescent crush had passed. 

I did name my first daughter Liz and I wonder if that was by accident. 


This whole album reminds me of a cross between Kenny Nolan and Steve Winwood. It’s the kind of music that a prepubescent adolescent would listen to and think is “mature” but it’s really music for old people. And those people buy records, man. Imagine this on CD in 1989. They would have gobbled that shit up.

We all know this guy. We couldn’t get away from “Steal Away” or “Hot Rod Hearts” in 1980. It really should take you back. I know that I haven’t heard either since that year and I can sing every note upon listening again. 

This isn’t my jam.

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