Thursday, December 16, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Reckless - Reckless

 Reckless - Reckless

1980 Housekeeping



Genre: Hard Rock that’s really just glam

2.75 out of 5


Victim of Time

Something here just clicks for me on a variety of levels. Maybe it’s the multilayered, high echo vocals. Or the backing tracks which sound like doubling being doubled. Or that lacerating guitar that finds its way into a bunch of these tracks with the tastiest licks. 

Or that this band is just trying so damned hard and they are still too early for this trend’s train.

But that “Yeah!” At the end of “Ready for Action” is so cringe that it’s hard for me to keep from laughing. But, here’s the thing: Jan Melanson…sounds like Nick Gilder.  We have been treated to a bunch of music featuring female fronted rock bands and I think there’s a book to be written about that.

But mostly that book would be about how the record buying public just kept rejecting women in “rock” no matter how many of them tried to get out there. And, also, credit these labels for continuing to try in the face of that rejection.

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