Thursday, August 27, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Sort Sol - Under en Sort Sol

 Sort Sol - Under en Sort Sol


June 1980
Sort Sol
Under en Sort Sol
Genre: Joy Division lite
3.25 out of 5


Ugh. Something bad happened today and this music isn’t helping. It should be, though. It should be the gasoline to help the immolation. Instead it just has me reaching for an actual Joy Division album. (When the album isn’t trying to be The Cure ( “Marble Station”) that is)
Whatever the alchemy of the aforementioned bands that propelled them into the international consciousness (or just really good PR), it’s absent here. 
If that’s the sound you like and you’ve heard Unknown Pleasures and Closer a gajillion times, then give this a listen. And it will inspire you to go back to those records. 

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