Saturday, August 29, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Roky Erickson and the Aliens - Roky Erickson and the Aliens

Roky Erickson and the Aliens  - Roky Erickson and the Aliens  

August 22 1980

Roky Erickson and the Aliens

Roky Erickson and the Aliens

Genre: Psychedelic Rock

3.5 out of 5


I Think of Demons

Listen to the second track, “I Think of Demons” and tell me that Roky isn’t the occult version of Lindsey Buckingham. 

Listen to “I Walk with a Zombie” and tell me that Roky isn’t John Fogerty’s spirit animal.

Listen to “A Cold Night for Alligators” and tell me that John Darnielle isn’t a Roky Erickson fan. 

Also, its impossible to listen to him and not hear Warren Zevon’s sideways take on the world. 

In other words, Roky was influenced by and influenced a bunch of people and sounds like all of them.

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