Saturday, August 29, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Pretty Things - Cross Talk

 The Pretty Things - Cross Talk



The Pretty Things

Cross Talk

Genre: The Knack album The Knack should have made

4.5 out of 5


I’m Calling

Edge of the Night

Bitter End

Office Love

Have you ever heard of The Pretty Things? I hadn’t. But…check this out:

“The Pretty Things were preceded by Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys, which consisted of Dick Taylor, fellow Sidcup Art College student Keith Richards, and Mick Jagger, among others. When Brian Jones was recruiting for his own band, all three joined Brian and Ian Stewart and were dubbed "Rollin' Stones" by Jones in June 1962. Because there were too many guitar players in the band, Taylor switched to bass. in London. Phil May, another Sidcup student, convinced him to form a new band. Taylor was once again playing guitar, with May singing and playing harmonica. They recruited John Stax on bass, Brian Pendleton on rhythm guitar, and Pete Kitley on drums. Kitley was soon replaced by Viv Andrews, also known as Viv Broughton.”

And thus begat The Pretty Things. And, by 1980, had put out 8 albums that I’ve never heard. And then, when the Stones were waning, dropped a New Wave disc that could stand alongside the Power Poppers of the day. 

Do you know Danko Jones? Yes? Great. Listen to “Bitter End” and tell me that doesn’t sound like it fell off a Danko album. “Office Love”, too.

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