Monday, January 27, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Toto - Fahrenheit

Toto - Fahrenheit

August 15 1986
Genre: MOR
2 out of 5

When I was younger I bought a couple of Hydra by Toto. I have no idea why. How it ended up as a purchase by me but there’s no accounting for taste. Maybe it was the guy in the 80s misty blue shadows dragging a broadsword. 
Maybe it was that there was a song called “99” which, although I learned much later, was inspired by THX-1138, I thought it was an ode to Agent 99 from Get Smart. 
Anyway, that was it for Allen and Toto. 
Sure, I heard the singles. But I was never gonna buy another album by them.
And then there was this project and, shit I’ve heard a lot of middle of the road quasi-rock by terrific studio musicians. 
Not one of them has engendered anything other than a 3 or 2.5 from me. They are just terrible. Music for your mother’s aunt. 
This is a new low for the boys. 
This is terrible, ballad stuffed crap. That Dune Soundtrack must have taken its toll. Or provided them with so much blow and swimming pools that they lost the will to be interesting. 

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