Monday, January 6, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Celibate Rifles - The Turgid Miasma of Existence

The Celibate Rifles - The Turgid Miasma of Existence

July 1 1986
The Celibate Rifles
The Turgid Miasma of Existence
Genre: Aussie Punk
4.25 out of 5

Bill Bonny Regrets
Temper Temper Mr. Kemper
Some Kind of Feeling

The Celibate Rifles never met a chord progression they couldn’t fuck with and surprise you with.
It’s almost as though they want you to feel uncomfortable as possible without turning you off. 
You always saw the name “Celibate Rifles” on file sharing sites, especially on Soulseek. And, while I probably have some of their stuff downloaded somewhere I never really dug in. I’m sort of glad I didn’t. I needed a project like this to bring me to them. 

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