Friday, January 17, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Bananarama - True Confessions

Bananarama - True Confessions

July 1986
True Confessions
Genre: Pop
3.75 out of 5

In a Perfect World

Requisite 80s Cover:
Venus. Their biggest hit. 

I was really looking forward to this one because of the massive success of “Venus” but it takes a long slog through some smooth jazz to get there. 
The entire first side is pleasing enough, but amounts to not much more than pristine harmonies in near Muzak form. However, it does end on a dark and dour track, “In a Perfect World” and I get the sense that the buoyant bubblegum of the past is just that. The Bananas have experienced more of the world and this is their reaction to it. 
But then there’s Side Two, the one with the massive hit and I am really curious as to why they didn’t choose to open the album with it. I was so bored by the end of the first half that I wished I could just dump out. Save the serious, dark stuff till you have them hooked. 
Oh, well. The Second side is nice, bouncy pop fun. 

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