Thursday, September 6, 2012

Queen for a Day - Flash's Theme

I am 15 years old. Watching tv on my dad's old black and white in my Greg Brady-converted attic.
I see a commercial for Flash Gordon and I think, that soundtrack sounds hilarious!

And then I see.

"Soundtrack by Queen."

Damn these guys.

Easily mocked, queenly epic, "Flash's Theme", which I always forget was written by May, is a big hunk of cheese that kicks off the 80s and the era of camp in a perfect way. it's ridiculous. The movie is ridiculous.
Both of them know that they are ridiculous.

The pulsating keyboards that are supposed to inspire cinematic tension but give over to a drippy ballad worthy of Margo Kidder's monologue in Superman, the entire song is a blast. But, it also sort of sucks.

Which is why Tenacious D covered it.

And no one else. Okay, that's not true. Louis XIV did. And, they sort of disappeared, no?
Their version after the jump.

Grade: C+

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