Saturday, September 8, 2012

Queen for a Day - Dancer

You just get the feeling on Hot Space that Brian May isn't into it. Freddie (and John) are driving the band into a more dance club sound and that doesn't really jibe with the hard rockin' May and his Red Special. But, Brian got to steer the band on the Flash Gordon Soundtrack so maybe this is recompense of sorts.
His first contribution is a full immersion in a bass lick that's catchy and kind of hot and the rest of the band is right there with it. Freddie's all snake and oil and smarm and Roger's keeping a steady four on the floor only this time, instead of being relegated to some balkanized region of the song, Brian is all over it. It's a dance rock track that showcases hot licks a plenty.
The track works. Not sure why I hate it, really. Because it's perfectly fine.
It's not really about anything. It's an excuse to jam. And as such, it's kind of cool.

I guess I don't really hate it.
It's fine.

Grade: B

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