Saturday, September 1, 2012

Queen for a Day - Crazy Little Thing Called Love

True story:
I was in the back of a car toward the end of high school with some friends and this song came on. They asked me what I thought of it and I said that, "well, I guess I like fifties music"....Then they told me it was Queen.

This wasn't the first time this had happened to me. Just a few months before I was surprised to discover that Another One Bites the Dust was not chic but....

And a few years earlier I was SHOCKED to learn that "Long Away" was not Fleetwood Mac but was also.....


They sort of forced their way into my life.

Freddie allegedly wrote this song in his bathtub. On guitar. In 10 minutes.

But, that's all this track needs, really. He claimed he wrote it as a tribute to Elvis and that shows. It's a perfect little pop confection.

Incidentally, where I think Deacon is a mediocre writer, his laid back walk downs in this song really take it where it needs to go.

Grade: A+

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