Monday, April 18, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - The Professionals - I Didn't See It Coming

 The Professionals - I Didn't See It Coming


November 1981

The Professionals

I Didn’t See it Coming

Genre: Rock

4 out of 5


The Magnificent


Little Boys

Couple things: I really loved Steve Jones’ radio show in Los Angeles. Jonesy’s Jukebox was a terrific show, filled with stories and anecdotes and terrific music choices. I think he went to Sirius or something but I don’t have that anymore and, besides, I can curate my own playlists using profiles and algorithms and it’s just fine. 

The other things is, while I never HEARD The Professionals until this project I, of course, heard OF The Professionals because whoever their PR person was was determined to let the world know that they were actually talented musicians, as opposed to that lunkhead Sid Vicious or the reprobate that is John Lydon. 

What I was not really expecting was an album full of what is essentially Power Pop. It’s NOT punk. It may FEEL like punk but it’s only that way in the same way that latter day Clash was, which was NOT punk. 

It starts off with a bit of a bang but by the end of Side One it feels like I’m listening to a 1976 era KISS record.

Let’s turn this sucker over…

Ok. This is more like it. “Little Boys” is a Power Rock banger. Not a single, sure, but a mid-concert staple. Everyone knows the words and Cook is a pile driver feeding your amygdala with snare drum amphetamines. 

Ultimately I can see why they went nowhere. There’s not enough snot to be punk nor enough charisma to be charming. 

This review brought to you by caps lock.

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