Friday, September 11, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Ultravox - Vienna

 Ultravox - Vienna


Reviewed by George Chastain Jr.

July 11, 1980



Genre: Genre defining New Wave

Allen’s Rating: 5 out of 5

George’s Rating: 5 out of 5

Allen’s Highlights:

Private Lives 


George’s Highlights:

The whole damn album!

By George Chastain Jr.

First, any album with the tune Vienna should get a “5” rating. Vienna is one of the greatest songs ever created in the history of music. Full stop. If Ultravox’s album stopped there, this album would still be a success, but it doesn’t stop there. Vienna is one of the greatest albums ever made…EVER. The only questionable song on the album is Astradyne. The rest, well the rest are simply marvels of sound. The songs are haunting, lyrical, and exotic. Passing Strangers is full of longing with a keyboard desperation to it. Mr. X is mysterious and dynamic. Sleepwalk is dangerous. Western Promise is what I wish Tangerine Dream could have been. All Stood Still is boppy, but serious, with a series of guitar riffs that are just perfect. Ultravox uses a kind of Greek chorus effect in their songs that is both mesmerizing and quotable. And Vienna…well, Vienna is perfect. Haunting and beautiful. It is what I pretty much imagine what the Sirens who lured ships into their doom against the rocks sounded like. Midge Ure’s vocals are impeccable. Warren Cann’s percussion is diverse and always the backbone. Chris Cross’s bass is constant and identifiable while Billy Currie’s piano and synthesizers are the standout. It’s hard for me to imagine a better album from top to bottom. I’d give anything to be able to hear this for the first time again.

If you are a fan of 80’s new wave and never heard Ultravox’s Vienna, you owe it to yourself to give it a listen. If you do listen to it, avoid driving, flying or sailing or beware the rocks.

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