Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Fist - Turn the Hell On

 Fist - Turn the Hell On


November 1980


Turn the Hell On

Genre: Unheralded NWOBHM

4.25 out of 5



One Percenter

This is not Fist, the Canadian band who put out that terrific album the same year and rebranded themselves the awful sounding MyoFist. 

This is a Thin Lizzy sounding crunchy, groovy, stadium metal record that had me, but not at first. I thought it started off cloyingly desperate to be liked but really poured on who they were with track two, “The Watcher” and after. 

There isn’t as much screaming ala Maiden, or noodling like Metallica/Megadeth. It’s all power chords and solos and pounding rhythms and, for the most part, it works. This is in service of the sound without the needless imagery of the Saxons or Witch/Wytch bands. 

Songs like “Axeman” sound less like Sabbath and more like Brian May circa the first Queen album or  his return to that sound on “Hitman” from Innuendo. 

How many metal fans in the group know this band? 


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