Sunday, September 1, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - UFO - Misdemeanor

UFO - Misdemeanor

November 16 1985
Genre: Rock
2.5 out of 5

I have never heard a UFO record I liked. Like, never. And, for this project, this is the 6th I’ve listened to. 
How were they allowed to continue putting out massively mediocre pedestrirock? Whatever big hit successes they had are long in the rearview. Yet, here they are, putting out another 10 song set of who cares? 
If you took the keyboards off this and were forced to listen, blindly, to this and Y&T and I told you the wrong answer would result in the death of your pet, by your own hand, there is a very good chance you would be forced to ring Fido’s neck. 
This is one of those records that feels twice as long and is only occasionally redeemed by smattered signs of life. 

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