Sunday, September 1, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Hawkwind - The Chronicle of the Black Sword

Hawkwind - The Chronicle of the Black Sword

November 14 1985
The Chronicle of the Black Sword
Genre: Metal Fantasy
3.5 out of 5

Needle Gun
Sleep of a Thousand Tears
Horn of Destiny

In the most important (to me) comic book of my youth, Cerebus, there is a character, “Elrod of Melvinbone”. He is featured mostly in the early days of the sword and sorcery parody days of the comic before it became a polemic on gender politics (and the catalyst for my seeing my way out of a destructive marriage). 
I knew that the author, Dave Sim, was a Michael Moorcock fan but that never inspired me to go read any Moorcock. If I did I would be more versed in  Elric of Melniboné, a recurring character in his work. 
But I am not. 
And Hawkwind is. And they wrote a space rock album based on that character. It means nothing to me, but the playing is better than any Hawkwind I’ve heard in the past. That’s not really saying much, though. 
I’ve never really liked Hawkwind all that much.

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