Sunday, September 1, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Christopher Cross - Every Turn of the World

Christopher Cross - Every Turn of the World

November 12 1985
Christopher Cross
Every Turn of the World
Genre: Soft Rock
2.25 out of 5

Jeez, do you guys remember when Christopher Cross was everywhere? For me the memories of this guy include a birthday celebration for a woman I met in Bar Harbor. She lived in a terraced apartment above the building where the restaurant was that I occasionally worked. It was an all night affair that consisted of her dancing to all the musics and a bunch of dudes trying to get with her. 
I went home at 7AM. I was one of the guys vying for the butt power of sticking around until everyone else left. I was just…there. And I didn’t talk to anyone, really. I was a stranger. I don’t know why she invited me. Maybe it was because I ate a small vase of flowers at her restaurant. Maybe it was another reason. But, there I was. Not smoking (pot). Not really making small talk. If I was observing it today I would be wondering who the sullen, quiet psychopath was. 

Christopher Cross overstayed his welcome years before this thing.
It gets much more listenable toward the end. “Swing Street” tries to be Steely Dan meets Doobie Brothers and “Open Your Heart” is actually kind of lovely, not just in sentiment but the music as well. Years later an LA band called “Paper Sun” would write a song called “Souvenirs” and it would steal pretty hard from this track in style, playing and content. I like both songs. 

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