Saturday, October 20, 2012

Queen for a Day - These Are the Days of Our Lives

Now, he's something astounding. A Roger Taylor song that I really really like. A song that reminisces about the, well, days of their lives, and does so by harkening back to one of Freddie's loveliest tracks, "Love of My Life", with the "I still love you" refrain.
The last video Freddie ever made, and he was far too sick to hide it at that point.

I heard this song pumped through the sound system of a Food4Less in the early, early 90s. I was sort of appalled that my favorite band had become no more than muzak fodder. At the same time I was sort of thrilled because it meant that Queen was once again accepted in the US. Wayne's World sort of did that for Queen fans a few years earlier. But, the fact that this song could make it in America was a vicarious win for me.

Grade: A

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