Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Queen for a Day - Don't Try So Hard

Opening with a preset sound on a that genius or laziness? The Korg that Freddie was using had an opening preset that he used in that way.

Fine. Whatever. If your muse is now someone else's programming startup sound of a machine...whatever. How's the song?

Pretty pedestrian ballad version of the same sentiments from "Keep Passing the Open Windows" by way of Pink Floyd's The Wall. I'm just getting that from the Sgt. Major passage. It's probably not that at all, but if Freddie is going to be that lazy in crafting this tune, I'm not sure I should spend much energy reviewing it.

It's a pretty piece at times, it sure changes it's direction a lot. For a piece of piffle it does reach for the cheap seats. But that's also part and parcel with the BIG DRUM sounds of the era.

Less a song than an exercise.

Grade: C

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