Monday, October 8, 2012

Queen for a Day - Breakthru

So, it's pretty obvious that this is two different songs pasted together. But, I really don't mind, because I dig this song a lot. It's my favorite on the album and has been since the day I ripped into that oversized CD package and listened in the car in the parking lot of that bowling alley where I stage managed a show for an elderly theater company.

There's no reason for it to be two different songs, except that Freddie didn't finish "A New Life is Born". The opening of which is all harmony save for some simple piano. After that it crashes into a driving, supertrain of a rocker. Could it be written by anyone other than Roger? The difference between this and all of Roger's other tripe is that the band seems energized. Excited. Hopeful.

Wait. Hopeful? On a Roger Taylor song? Freddie must have reworked something. Part of it. Most of it. Or something.

In any case. It's a showcase for the band and a nice breath of life on a band that is facing death. John's bassline is on fire. The "Star Fleet Project" modulations are in full effect. Brian is having a blast. The band is finding new ways to incorporate their trademark harmonies.


Grade: A

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