Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Human League - Crash

The Human League - Crash

September 8 1986
The Human League
Genre: Disco/New Wave
2.25 out of 5



So, this is the changing of the guard. The main reason to keep moving forward with Human League is that they were so representative of “New Wave” just a scant few years before. But they are moving heavily into R&B and dance and that’s not the mission statement BUT! The best tracks here are written by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis who were the masterminds behind Janet Jackson’s Control.
The producers are taking more and more control back and pushing the genre into what they believed it should sound like. 
And they were right, of course. 
Oakey and his crew were not at the level one would need to continue pushing into these soundscapes. They, it turned out, like many others who were labeled “New Wave” were really just disco coming out of the “Disco Sucks!” shadows a few years before. 
The Oakey stuff sounds like Human League, but not great. The Jam/Lewis stuff is disco but more accessible. Shrug. 

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