Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Chameleons - Strange Times

The Chameleons - Strange Times

September 1 1986
The Chameleons
Strange Times
Genre: Alternative/Prog/Folk/Cure/Rock
4.75 out of 5

Mad Jack
Swamp Thing
In Answer
I’ll Remember

Where have The Chameleons been my whole life? 

This is the sound of a band at the height of they powers and prowess. What could have been. They understand the swirl of psychedelia and how to marry it to the post Bauhaus sound, they utilize the deep echo production of the time but don’t collapse into that trope and make a dated mess of their stuff, instead they invite you in to this madness and I’m left wondering…wither thou, Chameleons? 
This band is the shoulda-been of the 80s. Easily. 

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