Saturday, December 12, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Tactics - My Houdini

 Tactics - My Houdini


February 1981


My Houdini

Genre: Post-Rock from Down Under

3.75 out of 5


New York Reel

National Health 

We have a soft spot for Aussie rock over here at The Listening Post. From the other side of the globe a lot of that stuff never got here because, well, it’s fucking hard to tour from Australia. And MTV could only break so many bands from Oz.

This band is bonkers. Like a subway busking band that stepped into a pub, hooked up to the mics and were playing for time before they got booted off the stage for some posing headliner.

This reminds me of a New Wavier Crazy Rhythms fronted by Johnny Rotten. With occasional saxophones. 

It’s frenetic and angular, like it’s hopped up on Chock Full of Nuts (It is 1981) and they aren’t relinquishing the stage. Before you get a chance to pull their plug…they’re done.

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