Thursday, December 17, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Garland Jeffreys - Escape Artist

 Garland Jeffreys - Escape Artist


1981 Housekeeping

Garland Jeffreys

Escape Artist

Genre: Rock

3.75 out of 5


Modern Lovers


Requisite 80s cover: “96 Tears” which at once sounds exactly like the original and also like they all took some downers just before recording it.

I have a bad habit of a set stock of bands that I use for comparing. Like, when I talk about “New Wave” the number of times I reference The Cars, Adam and the Ants or Gary Numan gives away my preferences. Those were the bands that I gravitated to so I use them as reference.

It’s not fair, I know, because there are soooooo many other bands that I could or should use but that’s my lexicon.

For instance, when I talk about bands that sound like Springsteen my go to is, say, John Cafferty and that’s because I didn’t know about Iron City Houserockers. Had Joe Grushecky had a hit song on a soundtrack that permeated MTV, I’d probably use him instead. But he didn’t. 

So, that brings me to Garland Jeffreys. 

If you were looking for a Venn diagram of Springsteen and Elvis Costello, you would find Garland Jeffreys. 

The songs are good. And way too late to catch that New Wave skinny tie rage. Which is a shame because he has an Iggy/New York Dolls snot about him that makes me want to hear more. 

Not right now, though.

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