Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Swans - Greed

Swans - Greed

February 28 1986
Genre: Industrial Noise
2 out of 5


I’m glad I listened to this because it gives me a chance to correct a previous review of Swans material.
The member of the band that my college girlfriend dated (and with whom she gifted a threesome with her best friend…ugh) was the bassist and not the drummer.


As for the music.

I’ve mentioned before that I don’t know why anyone would listen to this unless they were soundtracking a BDSM event or scoring a domination/submission orgy scene in a movie where the music supervisor lacked any nuance. And then I had conversation with a friend, a superior musician whose music is very ambient and somewhat dark and he named off about a dozen bands like Swans whose music he puts on to relax.


So, there is something for everyone.

This is that something. 
I am not that someone. 

OMG, someone give Michael Gira a fucking hug. 


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