Saturday, July 6, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - The Fuzztones - Lysergic Emanations

The Fuzztones - Lysergic Emanations

1985 Housekeeping 
The Fuzztones
Lysergic Emanations
Genre: Garage
4.25 out of 5

Ward 81

Someone more knowledgable than I will be able to explain who the Fuzztones were. Normally I wouldn’t include an album of covers but these garage songs are so obscure I’m not sure they would even make to to the first Nuggets collection. 
Or maybe they are widely known and I am just ignorant. That’s very possible.
But, even Rudi Protrudi’s originals work as perfect emulations of that fuzzy psychedelic sound. 
Everything here is excellent, like a Time Warp to the 60s but with clear stereo mixes and punchy attacks. 
You know what bill I’d have liked to see happen? The Fuzztones opening for The Hellacopters. This is the punk aesthetic reaching back to it’s Kick Out the Jamsian origins. Hauntingly fun and dangerous. It’s a Chuck Barris car show on vinyl.

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