Saturday, July 6, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - David Knopfler - Behind the Lines

David Knopfler - Behind the Lines

July 1985
David Knopfler
Behind the Lines
Genre: Rock
1.5 out of 5

In 1999 I booked a pair of commercials for 1-800-collect. It was during the 800 number wars. Oh, man, that was the mother load. They ran the shit out of those things. I’d never made the kind of money I did on those spots in such a short time. It helped that Damon Wayans and Ed O’Neill were in them with me. They were reviled things. I made it to the “Jeers” in TV Guide’s Cheers and Jeers. They spelled my name wrong but, hey, I was in there!
There was another actor in those spots. Nice guy. Okay actor. Seemed like a nice enough guy. He was Scott Wolf’s younger brother. He reminded of his older brother, slightly. But not quite as charismatic. Almost. Not as talented but alllllmost. Not as charming but alllllmost. 
That’s this record. 
Mark Knopfler’s younger brother. The Gary Wolf of rock. 
This is awful. Imagine Mark Knopfler, a mediocre singer at best. Now imagine him tone deaf as well. 
I mean, vomit. 
Okay. The last song, which sounds like it was written by Roger Waters, was nice.

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