Monday, August 6, 2007


Glutton for punishment am I. Glutton for punishment AM I!

After the fun I had doing the Idiot's Guide to Queen last month over at JefitoBlog, I thought I would tackle one of the other musical artists whose work I a)know completely and b) has inspired me. So, I chose the estimable Adam Ant. The quintessential '80s pop star. Punk turned glam turned actor turned has been turned psychopath.
On Tuesday morning, or so I have been told, at you can come bear witness to the greatness that was Mr. Ant.

I am especially proud of this one inasmuch as Adam was the first artist whose music I already loved and Liz came to discover on her own. (Well, sort of, I mean, I was playing it in the car) She dug him, had a poster on her wall, and bought me the box set.

So, go over to Jefito and take a gander and let me know what you think.

Update: Yep, it's up. Now it belongs to the world. Go here for your adam ant love. (The links will only work for a week, so get the Antmusic while you can!)

1 comment:

Oh. It's Kristen Again. *sigh* said...

where is the link for lazy people like me?

I wish that everyone could see/a show by liza minelli...