Sunday, June 6, 2021

Reflecting Pool - Weezer - Van Weezer

 Reflecting Pool - Weezer - Van Weezer

Weezer - Van Weezer - 2021

Go back and listen to Maladroit. Or Blue. Or Everything Will Be Alright. You know what you hear? Weezer rocks. Like, they really really rock. 

And that's the promise on the cover of Van Weezer. 

And they deliver. "Hero" is the metal meets Green Day I didn't know I needed. There's a bunch of bangers on this disc and I just wanna air shred to it. 

"I Need Some of That" is soaring chorus that gets to a place The Cars never could but is a tribute to Ocasek and it's sublime. 

Rivers is interpolating some of the best stuff out there, "Don't Fear the Reaper", "The Longest Time", "Heat of the Moment", "Crazy Train", "Girls, Girls, Girls" and the album is better for it as it acts like tribute not like a guy who ran out of ideas. 

I don't want to go to far down the rabbit hole. This is the second Weezer record in six months, they couldn't be more different and each are quite delicious in their own way. 

I want more of that lead up into the bridge to "1 More Hit". More! Please!

"Sheila Can Do It" proves what I've said before: Weezer wishes they were Cheap Trick. But a confessional one. 


ASide: The End of the Game, Hero

BlindSide; I Need Some of That, Blue Dream, Sheila Can Do It