Friday, April 10, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Parachute Club - Small Victories

The Parachute Club - Small Victories

1986 Housekeeping
The Parachute Club
Small Victories
Genre: The only time anything with John Oates name was considered “New Wave” and that’s not correct anyway
2.25 out of 5

Daniel Lanois used to be this band’s producer. On this record it’s John Oates. And it sounds like what you would get from John Oates as your producer. So, it’s mostly white boy R&B and not even as good as the lesser of H&O. 
It’s like no one got the message that the Thompson Twins style was out of vogue. 

YouTube:  (Mising 2 tracks - The Journey and Waves)

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