Friday, February 8, 2008

Shockingly popular

Those of you that don't know, I have been blogging the life of my daughter at two locations. The current one is called "Life with Zoe" and is located at It's really just a way of communicating with family and friends about ZoZo and keeping everyone up to date on her progress and life and how it affects me.
The first one, the blog that started all of that for us was This was a real slice of life because we videotaped every hospital visit that we could, chronicled all the highs as well as the terror that Zoe might have cystic fibrosis. It was a great experiment and hopefully I can show it to her one day.
I get occasional comments on the videos because I upload them to YouTube and link from there to the blogs. It's the easy way, right? Well, it's also the most visible and what's weir is that I use YouTube the way it was originally intended: as a repository for videos for friends to show each other. But I get complaints that the vids aren't that "entertaining". Big fucking deal.
Actually, that's not what's weird.
What's weird, and I mean really weird is that this video has received 31,600 views as of this writing. Why? I have no idea. But I agree with one commenter, I do look like his retarded uncle. Well, I don't know him, but I bet there is a retarded uncle out there that I DO look like.
Why is it so popular? I have no idea. You tell me.


John said...

Well, it's pretty funny. And Beth is charming and cute even if she is married to that retard. You guys should have a reality show.

Nazz Nomad said...

I just found your blog on your daughter's battle with CF. I am sitting at me desk crying right now. I have a 14 year old daughter and I can't even (and don't really want to) imaginge the pain you and your wife went through.
I wish you and your family nothing but good things.
G-d bless.

(aka nazz nomad)

Allen Lulu said...

Wow, Nazz.
Thanks for that. 14 year old daughter, eh? That's how old Liz would have been.
It's a weird feeling.
Give her a big hug. You're lucky to have each other.
I often find myself unable to understand parents of teens who take their relationship for granted and create huge battles out of the tiniest things.
Everyone has differences. But, when all is said and done, those differences are really teeny in relation to the rest of the lives together.