Her sister has been a role model for a couple of years now.
Her mother has a book deal with a company that specializes in bibles to put out a book about her parenting.
Babies are the current gotta-have accessory. Personally, I think I preferred when it was just little doggies that were doomed to the pound or a lifetime of neglect.
Holy crap, people! When are you going to stop encouraging this!?!?!
You think because they are on Nick or Disney that there is some sort of chaperoning or monitoring?
Britney Spears is nuts. Jamie Spears is pregnant at 16. Hudgens is sending nude pics of herself over the internet. Paris, Lindsay, Nicole, Jessica, Ashley, (where are the fathers, by the way????) a legion of girls gone wild. Teenage girls are hopping from bed to bed on MTV. Sweet Sixteen extols the virtues of conspicuous consumption!
The message if this kid isn't brought up on Statuatory rape charges? Not that the rich can get away with whatever they want. That's abstract. Kids won't get that. No. The message that little girls will get is, sex is okay with an older boy! And that's all well and good. But the kids that adore Jamie Lynn aren't 18. They aren't even 16. they are tweeners. her show is for TWEENERS. 12, 13, 14 year old girls who idolize her and will think, well, she did it, it must be okay.
I sound like a prude but, come on. If there are statuatory rape laws that aren't enforced then, men, let's line up cause the cute one are just getting out of junior fucking high.
Holy shit.
Put an end to this. Put an end to it right now.
You know how??????
Start early. Get em while they're young. Get your head out of the gutter and pay attention.
Handbook for raising girls material:
DON'T infantilize them. Raise the bar. Raise their self-esteem. They won't look to boys for it.
Fathers: change fucking diapers! It smells bad? Boo the fuck hoo. Grow a pair. It's the best bonding you can do.
Be a role model. Boys learn how to treat girls by watching Dad treat mom. Girls learn how to BE treated by watching dad treat mom.
Teach your girls to be self sufficient. Teach them to defend themselves, think for themsleves, achieve, achieve, achieve.
Teach them to cook. For themselves. So they aren't reliant on a credit card when they get older and therefore looking for a man to pay down their debt. And then do something outstanding: Dads. Cook with your daughters so they don't get some fucked up idea of gender roles. (An entire nation of witless men out there who refuse to cook because it's "woman's work" but LOVE to talk about how all the best chefs in the world are men. Hypocritical fuckheads.)
Encourage excellence in schoolwork and DON'T even fucking go to KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION. What the fuck is that????? No medals for mediocrity. But no punishment for it either. We reward kids for doing nothing so they have no real sense of what a personal accomplishment is.
READ TO YOUR KIDS. Get them to read too. If they can read, maybe, just maybe you can give them a leg up on being smart.
NO NO NO NO NO Nickelodeon or Disney Channel. Stay the fuck away. It's evil, it just wants your money.
PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR KIDS WATCH. This isn't so hard. Have a conversation with them about what interests them.
If a tv show is interesting to them, don't put them down for it, find out WHY they like it. You will learn so much about who your kid is and what makes her tick.
Sing to them. Be goofy. girls are going to be more verbal quicker than boys. Don't criticize that. Embrace it.
get them interested in art. Paintings, all kinds. Music, all kinds. Film, all kinds. (On that subject: Aladdin is a movie. Aladdin 2, the Return of Jafar is NOT a movie. It's a straight to dvd pair of hands in your pocket. Get it straight. There was no Cinderella 2 for fuck's sake!)
get a Facebook account, a MySpace account, an ipod, an apple account, an iphone, a blackberry, whatever the new tech is. Don't eschew new technology because you are a luddite or you are scared or you take comfort in the "I'm just old-fashioned" mindset. Your kids aren't going to bond with you, they are just going to think you are OLD. If you learn about these things, if you text and chat, you know what they're world is and you have an understanding of their vocabulary. Do it. Don't be stupid.
TALK. Talk to them. Just fucking talk to them. You HAVE TIME FOR THEM. If you don't, then why did you have them??????
Jesus christ. Someone put an end to this. Please. Stop the madness.